Friday, July 08, 2005

Getting Patched with Windows Service Pack

By: Demetria Zinga

Are you one of those people that keeps track of recalls, just
in case one of your most recent purchases gets recalled? Well,
some of us do, but many of us don't.

For those of us who don't keep up with recalls in general, it's
just as easy to be unaware of the fact that Microsoft Windows
offers us this wonderful service called a Service Pack, which is
essentially a recall service for Microsoft Windows. Most people
are not aware of service packs, what they're for, and how to use
them. Let's talk for a minute about how service packs can help
save or even lengthen the life of your PC.

First, you'll need to set up your PC to receive those service
packs on a regular basis. This keeps your computer safe from
hackers. Oftentimes, Microsoft discovers faulty code or
loopholes in the operating system which also, unfortunately,
gets detected by hackers. If your computer is not serviced and
updated, you open the door for hackers to step in and take over.

They way to set up your service pack for automatic updates is to
open your Control Panel, and then open System. You will then
select the Automatic Updates tab. You can also choose to have
your updates downloaded but not installed automatically. Be sure
to check this often to make sure you still have your automatic
updates for service pack selected.

Service Pack by Microsoft will speed up and automate your
critical tasks, fix bugs, install updates to Microsoft
applications, repair compatibility problems with third-party
software and hardware, add pop-up protection and firewalls, add
protection for communication tools such as Outlook and
Messenger, and improve user interface features. You literally
have nothing to lose by making sure you keep your PC patched,
and it only takes a moment to be sure that your automatic
updates for service packs is selected. This is a great way to
protect the life of your PC and relieve your mind of hackers,
which, of course, preserves your own sanity! So patch away!

-- Demetria Zinga is the founder and owner of, a technology and consulting firm which
specializes in web design and hosting, graphics and print
designs, internet marketing, and e-training. She is also the
founder of, an interactive ezine, blog,
and podcast for Christian women.

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